Living life with more of what matters.
An Ordinary Existence is a lifestyle blog that focuses on adventure, curiosity, nature, and creating a life that lights you up.
It’s all too easy these days to fall into a routine dictated by things we give little thought to. Work, family, finances, social pressures and expectations often come together to form a version of ordinary that we just give into. Our day to day habits and actions become something that happen to us… not something we craft ourselves.
But it doesn’t need to be this way.
This is about living life with more of what matters. It’s about reconnecting with our roots and disconnecting from things that don’t serve us. It’s about staying curious and never getting too comfortable.
It’s about creating a new ordinary that puts passion over pressure and creativity over compulsion.

I believe that for all the modern conveniences and systems that can make our lives easier in ways, us humans still need a regular dose of the basics – adventure, novelty, space to follow our curiosity, and creative outlets to express ourselves.
I also believe that getting outside and connecting with nature is the absolute, hands-down best way to nurture those things. We are, after all, animals – animals that have become entirely disconnected from natural systems and our place within them.
We may no longer need to hunt, gather, grow our own food, harvest our own resources, or go searching long distances to meet our basic needs. But that doesn’t mean our brains aren’t still wired for these things.
If you’re feeling lost or uneasy, go hug a tree. Lay in the dirt. Watch a sunrise. Plant a seed. Nurture it. Harvest the fruit and eat it.
Trust me. It’ll feel magical.
And while you’re at it, travel somewhere new-to-you where things are done a little different than you’re used to. Tackle a project you have no business doing. Challenge yourself.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a warm comfortable bed, a roof over my head, and a lazy day as much as the next person. But to truly satisfy our needs, we have to get outside, explore, observe, learn, struggle, overcome, and be inspired. We have to push back against the social pressure that tells us what we should want and actually go after the things we do want.
It takes a lot of work to craft a life for yourself in our modern age. Our lives are filled with distractions and obligations that take up a lot of time and attention. But, it’s entirely worth it.
So, get out there and have an adventure.
An Ordinary Existence is all about living life a little bit differently. It’s about going back to the basics and prioritizing those things that light us up. It’s about shifting focus and crafting a daily practice for you, by you. It’s about working in more of the things that our brains and bodies crave.
This blog focuses on outdoor adventure, reconnecting with nature, and finding novelty through travel. I write on hiking, paddling, growing food, self-reliance, off-grid cabin living, and life with dogs, among other things. You’ll find trip reports, guides, gear reviews, rambling thought pieces, and stories of our adventures and misadventures.
Click through the category links below to find more on what I write about most.
I hope you enjoy following along.
Drop me a line at info@anordinaryexistence.com or find me on social:
Interested in learning more about me? Meet Laura + Co. here.